Credible Contributions: Bolder Plans for Higher Climate Ambition in the Next Round of NDCs

June 2024

In this insights briefing, Credible Contributions: Bolder Plans for Higher Climate Ambition in the Next Round of NDCs, the ETC calls for industry and government collaboration to raise the ambition of the next round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by COP30. To limit the impact of climate change, NDCs can and must reflect technical potential and reinforce existing progress by setting more ambitious targets with stronger links to national policies. By setting a clear direction of travel and reducing uncertainty, the next round of NDCs can further accelerate the deployment of clean energy technologies.

Success in the low-carbon transition to date has been driven by industry’s response to government targets – accelerating deployment and driving down costs. In turn, industry can help government be confident that progress towards a net-zero economy is both technically and economically possible – the technology is in place, commitments are being made, and the focus must now be on deployment.

This briefing shows that if governments reflect existing policy commitments and the latest technological progress in the next round of NDCs, overall ambition could almost triple.

The analysis highlights that higher ambition from government and industry is needed to stimulate accelerated deployment of clean energy technologies, but ambition alone will not deliver progress. The ETC recommends that “NDCs 3.0” define:

  • Clear and detailed roadmaps for implementation of accelerated climate action backed by strong government policy (e.g., quantitative targets for GW of renewables, phase out dates for bans on the sale of gasoline or diesel engine vehicles).
  • Measurable, comprehensive (covering all sectors and GHGs) and granular targets for emissions reductions.
  • Investable plans, especially for emerging markets, clearly stating the investment and international climate finance required to deliver stated targets.


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